We are constantly being told to ‘be ourselves’ but a ey aprt of any personal development is to build our connections with others. We have to decide what our shared values are and how we give those values expression. And then, there are skills we can learn that strengthen these connections.

  • Cultivating Culture

    Creating an Unfeasible Culture means envisioning what would things have to be like for you to be super proud of the group you’re with and how you relate to each other.

    How do we midwife these visions?

    We start with Silence. We listen to what currently is and we create space for the people living the current reality actually want from their future.

    We then create a Diagnostic with a Difference. We give your people an out-of-this-world experience, and at the end of it you will all know exactly where you are on the Great Spiral of Development. Which in turn will tell is exactly where you could go next.

    Then, we engage the creativity of the team to design practical action to feed the culture we want, and starve the one we don’t.

    Remember, Culture is a living thing. Every day we either support or resist the prevailing culture. There is no opting out.

  • The 'MRS GREN' Programme.

    “To Live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people just exist.” - Oscar Wilde.

    MRS. GREN is a mnemonic for remembering the seven features which are necessary for life. Movement, Respiration. Sensitivity. Growth. Reproduction. Excretion. Nutrition.

    We believe that right now so much of our culture and social structure is on the side of death, not life: deadeningly dull work experiences, vibrancy choked out of relationships, and an economic and governance system that is fuelling mass extinction events.

    So this is a course of modules aimed at UNLEARNING the stories that are making us dead behind the eyes, and creating new stories where we can move, breathe and feel freely. Where we can grow organically, reproduce what we want to reproduce and discard the shit we don’t need in our lives. Above all, it is a course that seeks to help us nourish ourselves to able to face the challenges of the coming years.

    Get your team feeling fully alive.