It Happens.
The System is happening all around us. But few of us are fully conscious of just how influential ‘it’ is on everything that we do, the options that seem available to us, even the very thoughts we have access to thinking. Once we begin to see ‘it’ and how ‘it’ works, we realise that we are the ones who have all the power to change it.
Inspired by the extraordinary clarity in Frederik Laloux’s 2015 work Reinventing Organizations and based on research into the earlier groundbreaking work of Ken Wilber and Beck and Cowan’s Spiral Dynamics, Unfeasible helps organisations reinvent themselves and take the quantum leap of consciousness from the ‘first tier’ that most of recognise as ‘how things are today’ to the ‘second tier’ where extraordinarily unfeasible achievements are available.
Today, most organisations operate as if the universal truth about humans is that we are untrustworthy, lazy, incompetent thieves. At Unfeasible, we believe that - given a conducive environment - human beings are honourable, hard-working, generous and inspired by continual improvement. The environment - as this moment in history is screaming at us with ever more urgency - is everything.