Contact us.
Unfeasible helps SMART people with KIND hearts who sense that there MUST BE A BETTER WAY to do things, to reinvent their ways of working, living and playing. We do it, ultimately, so that humanity might use our gifts to avoid CLIMATE CATASTROPHE, build societies that are JUST and live lives which are rewarding and FUN.
Unlike typical consultancies, training companies and some coaches who focus on short-term, externalised results like money and status (which everybody knows aren't nearly enough to sustain happiness) we do it by embracing the idea that NOTHING IS UNFEASIBLE. By revelling in MASSIVE VISIONS. By UNLEARNING the stories that keep us small. By UNLOCKING the innate greatness of each human we work with.
All great things are Unfeasible. Until they aren’t.
Be inspired by conversations in radical thinking from leaders who are doing the unfeasible every day.

Transform your life away from indecision and anxiety and towards creating the results you really really really want. The world needs you to get conscious about what you want and step into your power.
“There’s nothing I can do about it” is the most frequently uttered lie of the century.
How do we come together to birth a new culture at our places of work? An Unfeasible midwife helps you conceive of, healthily nurture, and then deliver a new, living, organisational culture. We still spend most of our waking hours at work. Let’s make it work. There are vibrant communities hiding within the dull confines of the modern office space.
What environment are you operating in? How do the structures - physical and interpersonal - you work in affect what is possible for you to create? Unfeasible helps you re-invent your systems to put what matters most, first. . Don’t get a new I.T. System, get a new IT system. Build an infrastructure in your organisations that you can be proud of.

We make stories real.
Your visions can come true. Our visions are vast in scale. We have big stories to tell. Want to help us make those stories real?